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The Sepsis project involved the analysis of a vast dataset comprising over 1.5 million data points from more than 40,000 ICU patients. This dataset included hourly records, demographic information, and the presence of a sepsis label indicating the hour of sepsis diagnosis. Additionally, the project included the bloodwork test results of 34 key biomarkers associated with sepsis.
The project aimed to achieve the following objectives:

By conducting these comprehensive analyses, the project sought to deepen our understanding of sepsis, identify critical factors related to its development and progression, and provide valuable insights that can potentially assist in early detection and treatment strategies.

Dashboard 1: Demographic and ICU Stay Information

Advanced Features

Dashboard 2: Correlation between the Complete Blood Count

Advanded Features

Dashboard 3.1: Lung Analysis - ARDS Criteria

Advanded Features

Dashboard 3.2: Lung Analysis - Ventilation Usage

Advanded Features

Dashboard 4: SIRS(Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) Analysis

Advanded Features

Dashboard 5: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II(APACHE II) Score

Advanded Features